What is in my giant Stüssy cowhide tote
- Portable charger with micro-USB in case my headphones die.
- Two black pens, one I like the other I tolerate.
- Some sort of brown lip liner.
- Brown lip gloss.
- Two burt’s bees because I am prone to losing at least one a day.
- An old cigarette bud.
- Airpods for work.
- Weapon (I don’t know what kind of weapon it is called but my mom gave it to me, one of the various weapons she’s given to me that I try to carry with me at all times (so back off)).
- Three cards of identification and a newly activated debit card.
- Tic-Tacs.
- On the go brush.
- Keys.
- Ten dollars in cash.
- Laptop and phone charger.
- A friend's poems.
- My headphones.
- Laptop.
- Current notebook.

- handheld water bottle— enough to keep me hydrated, but not too heavy to carry
- emergency choker
- one dollar bills for the bus
- a combination of chanel mascara & mac lipstick
- artist pencil
- sd card reader for my phone & ipad
- salt & pepper pack for when i’m eating out
- collection of buttons
- chunky hoops for late nights
- super glue for when the soles of my boots melt off
- malboro golds
- ed hardy wallet (i know… i’m a try-hard)
- pack of leftover malboro slims from europe
- useless blue light glasses
- point-and-shoot camera for when my phone storage runs out & i see a cute cat
- an apple watch that’s never charged
- too many lighters, that are probably not all mine
- journal for mid-day crisis
- ruler to measure his d*ck
- headphones to listen to julia fox’s memoir
- boring hard drive w/ a bowie sticker
- the worst rubber bands in the world, that i have to replace every 30 minutes
- crash novel for when im feeling scandalous
- crystals because the world knows i need any help i can get
- pimple patches :(( self explainable
- emergency earbuds that i can’t even use because i don’t have an !!adapter!!

What’s In My Beat Up Brown Leather Messenger Bag That’s Splitting At The Seams
- Laptop.
- Off Brand Headphones
- Prada Readers With A Low Enough Prescription That They’re Just For The Bit
- Yellow Wallet Given to Me By My Best Friend. I’ve Lost It Twice, Twice It Has Returned To Me at the Police Station.
- MUJI Planner For Measuring The Days
- One Decomposition Notebook
- Incompleted Journal
- Pencil Pouch
- Six Pens and Pencils That Only Sometimes Write
- Two Organic Cotton Tampons
- Lavender Balm To Smell When Things Get Weird
- Handheld Mirror
- Homunculus Butane Lighter Made By Caleb
- Medusa Pill Box, Containing Two Adderalls & One Four Month Old Probiotic
- Cherry Chapstick (Literally)
- Rubber Duck Eraser

What’s in my everyday purse:
- Two pairs of headphones (because I would rather die than not be able to listen to music at any given moment).
- Current read: Totally Wired: The Rise and Fall of the Music Press (feels especially relevant given the current situation at Pitchfork).
- At least three lip products (an ever-changing combination of balm, gloss and lip liner).
- Reusable bag.
- Nail glue.
- Bandages.
- Ibuprofen.
- Tampons.
- Playing cards.
- Lighter (I don’t really smoke, but like to keep one on hand for friends and strangers that do).
- My favorite pair of sunglasses.
- My mom’s old digital camera (it barely works at this point, but gives photos a certain je ne sais quoi that an iphone simply cannot replicate).
What’s in my Faux-tegga
- Laptop with too many stickers
- Well loved Koss Porta Pro headphones
- An assortment of Nyx and beauty supply store lip gloss and liner
- Vaseline and Carmex on their last legs
- A singular Kotex tampon
- A digicam
- An SD Card reader
- Thoughts and photography journals
- My favorite pink pen

My Kara Bag and its content among other things
1 bottle of advil to cope with the incomprehensible pain of being a woman
Prada sunnies and money pouch
Chanel gloss and mascara for the bar
Boy brow
Point and shoot that i need to remember to use
Claw clip
Byredo, need i say more ?

What’s in my Medium Black Telfeezy
Macbook running on macOS Catalina (old OS)
- Keys
- Green Laptop Case which also holds printer paper
- A Blue folder containing current printed PDFs and ENVY collaborator forms
- 4 Moleskine Notebooks for the random thoughts, journals and mediocre sketches
- Weird Dreams, Weird Analysis exhibition catalogue #9
- Wired connectivities (chargers, adapters, headphones)
- 1 Hard drive: my greatest possession
- 1 digicam I got at a flea market
- A pair of my favorite earrings
- 1 empty perfume atomizer of my favorite scent, artifact_0002
- Moon Lists Journal: 12 months of questions, journaling, prompts and list-making exercises
- Huda Beauty Blush and Lipstick in the shade baddie berry
- Haus Lab lip oil (shade unknown)
- Burt’s Bees cuticle cream because I am a habitual nail biter
- 1 hair clip that barely holds my hair together
- Stationeries (highlighters, gel pens, sharpie)
- A wallet that never holds any of my cards. I’m surprised I have not lost it yet again
- 3 Pins and some twine
- 3 USBs
- 2 pairs of sunglasses: 1 Akila, 1 Dior
- Half-emptied pack of Camel Crush
- A miniature light blue lighter
- Marshall Wireless Headphone for when I want to implode
- 1 Photobook, Site Specific: photography exhibitions from around the world
What’s in my fake replica Birkin bag spread across on my bed
- 2 hand creams, 1 for intense care and another that smells really pretty
- Guadalupe Veladora to keep my energy and my space and my bag protected
- 1 packet of cigarettes
- 2 small bottles of contact lens eyedrops
- 3 moleskin note books
- 1 mini journal notebook
- 1 packet of chamomile ginger tea
- 1 book
- 1 printed pdf scan of reading material
- 1 pack of gum
- 1 usb
- 1 laptop
- 2 air pods
- 1 wired earphone
- 1 red pen
- 1 blue pen
- 2 black pens
- 1 green pen
- 1 brown pen
- 1 lip balm
- A pair of sunglasses that have been my only go-to pair of sunglasses for the past 2 years
- 3 chewable pepto bismol tablets
- 1 camper mug
- Butterfly cocoons strung together with pink rope
- 1 flathead screwdriver
- 1 more packet of loose-leaf tea

What’s In My Leather Briefcase Bulging With Distractions and To Do’s
- Black Moleskine Weekly Planner
- Small Sketchbook
- ‘The Possibility of an Island’ by Michel Houellebecq
- Lavender Teddy Bear Wallet
- Praying Mantis Encased in Resin
- Ipad Pro
- Laptop
- Sticky Notes
- Wax Pen
- Mechanical Pencil
- 2H Graphite Pencil
- Muji Pen
- 24 GB USB Drive
- Wire Headphones
- Airpods
- Citrine Crystal
- Amethyst Crystal
- Silver Necklace
- Three Silver Rings
- Rose Lip Gloss
- Dollar Tree Lip Gloss
- Aquaphor (Duh)
- Visine Clear Eye Drops
- Purell Hand Sanitizer
- Pocket Knife
- Poppers
- Trojan XL Condom
- ‘The Beauty of Everyday Things’ by Soetsu Yanagi