

What is in my giant Stüssy cowhide tote

  1. Portable charger with micro-USB in case my headphones die.
  2. Two black pens, one I like the other I tolerate.
  3. Some sort of brown lip liner.
  4. Brown lip gloss.
  5. Two burt’s bees because I am prone to losing at least one a day.
  6. An old cigarette bud.
  7. Airpods for work.
  8. Weapon (I don’t know what kind of weapon it is called but my mom gave it to me, one of the various weapons she’s given to me that I try to carry with me at all times (so back off)).
  9. Three cards of identification and a newly activated debit card.
  10. Tic-Tacs.
  11. On the go brush.
  12. Keys.
  13. Ten dollars in cash.
  14. Laptop and phone charger.
  15. A friend's poems.
  16. My headphones.
  17. Laptop.
  18. Current notebook.


  1. handheld water bottle— enough to keep me hydrated, but not too heavy to carry
  2. emergency choker
  3. one dollar bills for the bus
  4. a combination of chanel mascara & mac lipstick
  5. artist pencil
  6. sd card reader for my phone & ipad
  7. salt & pepper pack for when i’m eating out
  8. collection of buttons
  9. chunky hoops for late nights
  10. super glue for when the soles of my boots melt off
  11. malboro golds
  12. ed hardy wallet (i know… i’m a try-hard)
  13. pack of leftover malboro slims from europe
  14. useless blue light glasses
  15. point-and-shoot camera for when my phone storage runs out & i see a cute cat
  16. an apple watch that’s never charged
  17. too many lighters, that are probably not all mine
  18. journal for mid-day crisis
  19. ruler to measure his d*ck
  20. headphones to listen to julia fox’s memoir
  21. boring hard drive w/ a bowie sticker
  22. the worst rubber bands in the world, that i have to replace every 30 minutes
  23. crash novel for when im feeling scandalous
  24. crystals because the world knows i need any help i can get
  25. pimple patches :(( self explainable
  26. emergency earbuds that i can’t even use because i don’t have an !!adapter!!


What’s In My Beat Up Brown Leather Messenger Bag That’s Splitting At The Seams
  1. Laptop.
  2. Off Brand Headphones
  3. Prada Readers With A Low Enough Prescription That They’re Just For The Bit
  4. Yellow Wallet Given to Me By My Best Friend. I’ve Lost It Twice, Twice It Has Returned To Me at the Police Station.
  5. MUJI Planner For Measuring The Days
  6. One Decomposition Notebook
  7. Incompleted Journal
  9. Pencil Pouch
  10. Six Pens and Pencils That Only Sometimes Write
  11. Two Organic Cotton Tampons
  12. Lavender Balm To Smell When Things Get Weird
  13. Handheld Mirror
  14. Homunculus Butane Lighter Made By Caleb
  15. Medusa Pill Box, Containing Two Adderalls & One Four Month Old Probiotic
  16. Cherry Chapstick (Literally)
  17. Rubber Duck Eraser


What’s in my everyday purse:
  1. Two pairs of headphones (because I would rather die than not be able to listen to music at any given moment).
  2. Current read: Totally Wired: The Rise and Fall of the Music Press (feels especially relevant given the current situation at Pitchfork).
  3. At least three lip products (an ever-changing combination of balm, gloss and lip liner).
  4. Reusable bag.
  5. Nail glue.
  6. Bandages.
  7. Ibuprofen.
  8. Tampons.
  9. Playing cards.
  10. Lighter (I don’t really smoke, but like to keep one on hand for friends and strangers that do).
  11. My favorite pair of sunglasses.
  12. My mom’s old digital camera (it barely works at this point, but gives photos a certain je ne sais quoi that an iphone simply cannot replicate).
Wallet and keys (which I now triple-check for before leaving the house).


What’s in my Faux-tegga
  1. Laptop with too many stickers
  2. Well loved Koss Porta Pro headphones
  3. An assortment of Nyx and beauty supply store lip gloss and liner
  4. Vaseline and Carmex on their last legs
  5. A singular Kotex tampon
  6. A digicam
  7. An SD Card reader
  8. Thoughts and photography journals
  9. My favorite pink pen


My Kara Bag and its content among other things

1 bottle of advil to cope with the incomprehensible pain of being a woman

Prada sunnies and money pouch

Chanel gloss and mascara for the bar

Boy brow

Point and shoot that i need to remember to use

Claw clip

Byredo, need i say more ?


What’s in my Medium Black Telfeezy 
Macbook running on macOS Catalina (old OS)
  1. Keys
  2. Green Laptop Case which also holds printer paper
  3. A Blue folder containing current printed PDFs and ENVY collaborator forms
  4. 4 Moleskine Notebooks for the random thoughts, journals and mediocre sketches
  5. Weird Dreams, Weird Analysis exhibition catalogue #9
  6. Wired connectivities (chargers, adapters, headphones) 
  7. 1 Hard drive: my greatest possession
  8. 1 digicam I got at a flea market
  9. A pair of my favorite earrings
  10. 1 empty perfume atomizer of my favorite scent, artifact_0002
  11. Moon Lists Journal: 12 months of questions, journaling, prompts and list-making exercises
  12. Huda Beauty Blush and Lipstick in the shade baddie berry
  13. Haus Lab lip oil (shade unknown)
  14. Burt’s Bees cuticle cream because I am a habitual nail biter
  15. 1 hair clip that barely holds my hair together
  16. Stationeries (highlighters, gel pens, sharpie)
  17. A wallet that never holds any of my cards. I’m surprised I have not lost it yet again
  18. 3 Pins and some twine
  19. 3 USBs
  20. 2 pairs of sunglasses: 1 Akila, 1 Dior
  21. Half-emptied pack of Camel Crush
  22. A miniature light blue lighter 
  23. Marshall Wireless Headphone for when I want to implode
  24. 1 Photobook, Site Specific: photography exhibitions from around the world


What’s in my fake replica Birkin bag spread across on my bed
  1. 2 hand creams, 1 for intense care and another that smells really pretty
  2. Guadalupe Veladora to keep my energy and my space and my bag protected
  3. 1 packet of cigarettes
  4. 2 small bottles of contact lens eyedrops
  5. 3 moleskin note books
  6. 1 mini journal notebook
  7. 1 packet of chamomile ginger tea
  8. 1 book
  9. 1 printed pdf scan of reading material
  10. 1 pack of gum
  11. 1 usb
  12. 1 laptop
  13. 2 air pods
  14. 1 wired earphone
  15. 1 red pen
  16. 1 blue pen
  17. 2 black pens
  18. 1 green pen
  19. 1 brown pen
  20. 1 lip balm
  21. A pair of sunglasses that have been my only go-to pair of sunglasses for the past 2 years
  22. 3 chewable pepto bismol tablets
  23. 1 camper mug
  24. Butterfly cocoons strung together with pink rope
  25. 1 flathead screwdriver
  26. 1 more packet of loose-leaf tea


What’s In My Leather Briefcase Bulging With Distractions and To Do’s
  1. Black Moleskine Weekly Planner
  2. Small Sketchbook
  3. ‘The Possibility of an Island’ by Michel Houellebecq
  4. Lavender Teddy Bear Wallet
  5. Praying Mantis Encased in Resin
  6. Ipad Pro
  7. Laptop
  8. Sticky Notes
  9. Wax Pen
  10. Mechanical Pencil
  11. 2H Graphite Pencil
  12. Muji Pen
  13. 24 GB USB Drive
  14. Wire Headphones
  15. Airpods
  16. Citrine Crystal
  17. Amethyst Crystal
  18. Silver Necklace
  19. Three Silver Rings
  20. Rose Lip Gloss
  21. Dollar Tree Lip Gloss
  22. Aquaphor (Duh)
  23. Visine Clear Eye Drops
  24. Purell Hand Sanitizer
  25. Pocket Knife
  26. Poppers
  27. Trojan XL Condom
  28. ‘The Beauty of Everyday Things’ by Soetsu Yanagi