Words by Marc Basil

John Baldessari
Photoemulsion with acrylic on canvas
59 x 45 in. (149.86 x 114.3 cm)

More and more. Endless without bounds.
Lottery tickets and fortune cookies.
Bottomless chances of opportunity.
In the abyss of mimosas,
we celebrate infinity.
Measure by pi, this formula seems fitting
for the research on infinity.
How safe is Space Mountain?
The galaxy assures a
countless infinity.
All you can eat, a carton of milk on the wall.
Is this the gallon of discovery?
Neapolitan seems limiting, let’s go with infinity.
Floss, brush, spit down at the sinkhole, infinity.
Water fountain, waterfall.
A thousand hugs,
a thousand kisses,
to love to infinity. ~ In  ݀fin  ݀ity

My favorite T-shirt.
Two scrambled eggs cooked into a French omelet.
Straight A’s four spring seasons ago.
I’m happy that you are here,
I enjoy all the flaws and frays of my jeans,
they're perfect.
Things are very auspicious again,
my marshmallow is cooked well over well done,
it’s perfect.
And if I've burnt my hand and chopped off my thumbs
I’m left with eight fingers.
Distributed evenly,
                                          waow                                           this is perfect.
                                        A double rainbow, a Krispy Kreme donut, an end of the day
it’s even more perfect with a full moon.
A vacant mind without any cause
Naked mind, a hollow sphere
Seamless sphere, molten core
This must be the place. ~ Per  ݀fect

I like the taste of beets because of its main
characteristic that its flavor does not try to hide.
It is straightforward.
The taste of a bitten lip acts the same way too
Gucci belt buckle and tuck the Balenci at your waist.
Tuck a napkin at your neck, the butlers got taste.
Acquire a palette of color,
digest two servings of sound.
You can’t learn what’s acquired, it has to be given.
Like a first encounter, lift your tongue to a new sound,
hear your hairs fall out your ear, see a new part of the sky-it’s sherbert.
Find a new leaf where the clouds fell from.
The flavor is battery acid, bitter in my oral cavity. And black is the new color scheme, charcoal tinted taste buds, I can’t tell this flavor? ~ Taste

Golden hour pull up the visor so the set stops.
The topic that we’re on is about wedlock.
Pay the lawyers to feel so concerned,
rumor has it, what I overheard.
The judge makes the call of the air.
This next decision will be profound.
What’s next on the agenda is
we will serve our penance to
the resulting display of bejeweled pendants.
Put pressure on the attention that’s why I added this
7 figure to my wish list.
Inlaid diamond and consider this moment so precious
when we kneel to a deity or human.
What’s gone over your head? The settlement came back indignant. Your profound dome.
A crown full of what’s been told.
Rumor has it they’ve gone over
their heads painting the town.
Take a look about what we’ve found ~ Pro  ݀found